Tuesday, November 22, 2011

there's something about knowing their names...

I remember in the safety portion of training to be a community coordinator, there was a high emphasis on knowing your neighbors as a means of ensuring a higher level of security. 
That seems so simple... so 1950's... and yet, it's so easy that it seems today 
people forget the power of knowing their neighbors. 

Again, I'm reminded that the basic fact is: if there is a high level of knowledge of and recognition of who lives in your area, there is a much higher chance that unusual people or activities will be noticed and given attention to... it's no wonder this tends to lower instances of crime and theft.

And then I realized how much Jesus emphasized this same principle -- love your neighbor as yourself. Do for those around you what you would want them to do for you. But it starts with a desire to love and then that being extended to the neighbors in your life.

I love that straight up facts in regards to crime and how well people know their neighbors directly affirms and shows the truth of Scripture and why loving our neighbors is worth our time. I believe if we begin to seek to know and love our neighbors -- even with an initially "selfish" motive in that this will help provide more security to my home and belongings -- it's the beginning of a wonderful process...

Now that I know my neighbors, I know some wonderful things:
*That Koreans are not all that into baking (probably because moms are busy making so many other yummy dishes!)... and young Korean girls want to learn to bake... so we have baking parties.
*That praying with my Korean friends is a gift, even when I have no idea what they are saying.
*That one family has a heart to use their seminary training and other vocational skills to go back and minister to the people of North Korea.
*That everyone can learn a name... even if it's difficult to pronounce in one's own tongue... 
sometimes I'm called "Rindsay"
*That despite being "poor" grad students, neighbors know how to make a way to host another in their home for a meal, share groceries, share internet, give free haircuts, offer engineering consulting and babysit each others kids.

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