Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's been awhile, but we thought it was time for an update:

In December, we finished our school sessions -- we each had four graduate level classes, so it was intense, but we loved what we learned! Our break from school was much needed and filled with family time in both Louisiana and California. :)

We chose topics to research and focus on for papers and projects that we will use as we continue piecing together the class. Randy chose racial issues to write a paper on and Lindsay chose to focus a big writing project on immigration-type issues.

The Justice class is coming along well! Randy is putting some of the sessions together as we speak because starting in just a few weeks, we have 5 campuses committed to be our "beta testers". These campuses are in different parts of the country and represent different kinds of demographics. These groups will try out our class with their students this spring and touch base with Randy regularly to provide feedback on what's working and what might be adjusted for future classes.

Our hearts are expectant and eager for the beta-testing to start. We will have direct contact with students from all over the country through our class leaders and we cannot wait to see and hear how they react to the message of Biblical Justice.

Please pray for the following:
*Health -- Both of us have been fighting colds and sickness and in order to stay on top of both school and chi alpha, we really can't afford getting sick!
*Randy's up-coming conference -- He is being flown in to share about the Justice course with students at a regional student gathering in early February. He will have a chance to lead an elective session and address students from many different campuses on the east coast.
*The rest of the class compilation process -- Almost all of the research is done, it's just putting things together and sending it to the testers.
*For students (and the class leaders) -- That God would touch and transform some hearts through this spring course. Last year, Randy had students share how deeply they were impacted by learning about this important aspect of God's character (his heart for the poor, marginalized, and for justice within our communities, etc.). Pray for more of these stories!

Blessings and grace,
Randy & Lindsay

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