hopefully randy and I haven't become broken records yet...
IJM is just SO stellar! I feel like every time I turn around, they are on the cusp of whatever new issue I'm hearing about.
this time? it's tomatoes. my friend alison was just telling me about how often tomatoes are farmed using slave labor. from what she's learned, the best way to avoid purchasing such bad tomato slave products are to look for heirloom tomatoes (in general, these tend to come from farms that have labor practices more on the up and up, and are the best to eat.)
this morning, I stumbled upon this awesome campaign that IJM is up to to help end slavery in the tomato farming in the US. yep, you read that right -- tomato slavery exists right here in our first world USA.
what's even cooler (if it COULD get better than it is already...) is that they are
featuring tomato recipes from supporters of the campaign, such as sara groves and the barlow girls. clever, eh? I know, I know, it's obvious that I maybe have a girl-crush on sara. maybe you should, too ;)
[photo from here]
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