Monday, January 16, 2012

more than awareness, she seeks prevention...

Recently, Randy and I had the privilege of meeting Sandie Morgan, MA/RN, the director of the Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University. As it turns out, we attend the same church and share in a passion to see justice ensured, particular in the area of issues of women, violence and human trafficking. 

Through the Center at Vanguard, she is hosting a conference in March: Ensure Justice (March 2-3, 2012) at the Vanguard University campus. 
What we love about Sandie and the GCWJ is their three-fold value of dignity, advocacy, and responsibility as they offer education on issues, specifically in regards to human trafficking, as well as promoting the prevention of this heinous crime that runs rampant in our world today.

The stats are staggering -- of women and children in the two-thirds world being coerced into trafficking of varying sorts -- but also of the amount of victims here in the U.S.
A recent news article reminded me of this often "out of sight, out of mind" issue -- it cannot be far from our minds anymore. We must pray. We must seek to promote awareness. And as Sandie and the GCWJ contend, we must help PREVENT this issue in whatever ways we can. 
This happened literally in our backyard. Studies show that human trafficking, pornography and prostitution are undeniably linked -- where there is one issue, there inevitably will be the others. 

Take a moment to pray. Check out the Global Center's website. Register for the Ensure Justice conference. Keep a watchful eye on the vulnerable around you, not giving way to fear, but using discernment in how you teach those around you, especially young women, about their self-image, value and worth. May the plans of the evil one not prevail in snatching more vulnerable people into this terrible life of violence, bondage, and pain.

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